Towards a Sustainable Tomorrow
OzHemp is an Australian owned and operated business that focuses on the development of hemp for both residential and commercial products and applications.
OzHemp has undertaken extensive research into the cultivation and economic viability of hemp production for a wide range of hemp-based products and derivatives.
OzHemp has held a valid licence to cultivate, harvest and process industrial hemp ever since 2004, when the introduction of the Industrial Hemp Act 2004 in Western Australia allowed for the commercialization of industrial hemp.
Over the last decade, OzHemp has been instrumental in developing the Australian market for Hemp Animal Bedding by continually introducing new and exciting products for the pet industry.
OzHemp holds exclusive distribution rights for Tradical® lime binders and renders from BCB SAS, one of the largest producers of lime and dolime in the world and the centre of expertise for building materials of the Lhoist group.
OzHemp supplies both Tradical® lime binders and Chanvribat® hemp hurd to the construction industry to produce Tradical® Hempcrete.

Industrial hemp is not widely grown because a number of countries have regulations forbidding the cultivation of hemp. As the output of hemp has decreased annually, the current global demand of hemp products is greater than the current supply. Due to the vast land and broad care cultivation that Australia can offer, OzHemp wishes to position itself as a major supplier of value-added hemp products; as well as primary products such as animal bedding and nesting materials, cat litter, hemp building materials, hemp fibre and hurd.
The cultivation of industrial hemp crops can help build rural economies, from the setting up of hemp processing centres through to the downstream projects that can rejuvenate a township with jobs. This will improve the economy of the region by creating employment opportunities for supporting industries.
Growing industrial hemp can assist in land recovery for land lost to salinity encroachments, where the deep roots of the hemp plant can obtain water and nutrients from deep in the soil, thus lowering the water table. Some of the great advantages of growing hemp for farmers is its use as a rotation crop, as it breaks up the soil with its deep root system and its elimination of weeds, where it leaves the land ready for the direct sowing of wheat crops.
OzHemp discourages deforestation, land degradation and all unnecessary logging. All products produced by OzHemp shall be environmentally friendly, sustainable and biodegradable with no harmful chemicals used.