OzHemp takes great pride in every single product that we produce and sell.
Our personal satisfaction lies in the fact that so many of our customers tell us how great our products are!

We love hearing feedback from our customers so if you would like to share your product experiences, please email us at


Betty  Coolbellup, WA

"I came across this product many years ago and found it to be one of the best things for my rabbit litter tray, fantastic! Now I have been using it in my quail & budgie cages. Best of all, just throw it on the garden when the tray needs changing, makes for great mulch... brilliant!
Recommend it highly, an excellent product indeed!"

Margie – Scarborough, WA

"My guinea pigs were developing skin problems from pine shavings. We could not find an alternative that wasn't paper based. I didn’t like the idea of using paper-based products, as my guinea pigs tend to chew and carry their bedding in their pouches, this made the paper swell up. I have also noticed that it doesn't get flung out of wire cages so easily so there is less mess on the floor! This large bale has lasted me ages and we use it generously in 4 cages."

Lorri – Pakenham, VIC

"I have started using the MiniHemp bedding and found that it is the best bedding that I have used thus far. It absorbs my mice's smells and their habitrail cages do not smell like they normally would at the one-week mark."

Diane K. Deane  O’Connor, WA

"As an owner of small animals and an allergy sufferer, this bedding is a perfect dust-free solution, without having to resort to synthetic bedding materials, which often contains trace amounts of toxins that can impact small pets like my chinchillas. This bedding is natural, odour-locking, absorbent and lasts much longer before needing changing. I've used this product for about a year now and wouldn't use anything else."

Nina – Lesmurdie, WA

"I bought this for my guinea pig, Huey. MiniHemp feels lovely and not sharp, like his previous bedding, aspen. It is dust-free and surprisingly has not set off my asthma! Huey certainly approves - he has been busy digging tunnels for the last few days since I changed his bedding over to this."

L. Owen – Midland, WA

"This is great for little guys, it's small so they can burrow right down with no trouble, no scent to hurt them like pine or cedar does and it really absorbs their odours. I actually have to keep track of when I last changed the bedding, so I don't go too long between changes because I rarely get any odour at all from the cage."

Maria – Beechboro, WA

"This is an excellent product and very good for my guinea pigs. It is very soft for them and they both love digging into it. If you have not bought this before, buy it now, you will be happy and so will your pets. It is great value for money as there is a huge amount in the package."

Hazel – Wembley, WA

"My guinea pigs love MiniHemp and I used the soiled hemp in my garden. It has helped to keep the slugs and snails away from my flowers and blocks weeds. Two for one."

Jennifer – Aveley, WA

"MiniHemp bedding goes a long way. It has a pleasant smell and any spills can be easily vacuumed up. It also keeps the smells under control. I find it to be the best bedding and as it's a big bag it goes a long way. I rate it 10 out of 10. An excellent product... do get a bag - it's well worth it."

Lauren – Innaloo, WA

"I am new to MiniHemp and after using it I can say that I highly recommend it. I have previously used sawdust, cardboard and cat litter but this is by far my favourite for my rats. My rats also seem to find it comfy to sleep on unlike other types of bedding."

Jesse – Kelmscott, WA

"My mice have a great time with MiniHemp. They love digging in it and moving it around the cage and it's good to see them enjoying making tunnels and nests. The smell is pleasant and it's nice and soft too. You get a massive amount for your money too!"


Louise – Midland, WA

"Yogi and BooBoo love Felisorb as much as we do. It doesn't smell and it’s so easy to clean up and maintain. Plus, we don’t need to change the litter as often."

Alex  North Parramatta, NSW

"I’ve been looking for years for the right litter for my cats (clumping litter, clay, paper and wood-based, etc.) and ended up settling on litter crystals. This seemed to be the best solution with regard to odour reduction, but I was sick of getting a lung-full of powder from the crystals every time I changed or sifted the litter. I was also tired of stepping on crystals or lumps of clay lying on the bathroom floor and carpet. Recently, I saw Felisorb at a ‘City Farmers’ pet store and decided to give it a try. The pellets broke down when they absorbed moisture and seemed to be very good at keeping odours at bay. Finally, I have found a cat litter that satisfies all my expectations: no odour, cost effective, and environmentally friendly. I love the product."

Haley – Claremont, WA

“Very pleased with this litter. Masks the odour well, lasts twice as long and has a second use as an organic compost. Would recommend to anyone.”

Cecelia  Caroline Springs, VIC

"I was babysitting my friend’s cat (Tane) while they were on holiday. As you know one of the unpleasant duties of caring for a cat is the dreaded cat litter. But to my surprise it wasn’t that bad! Felisorb Hemp Pellet Cat Litter! At first, I was thinking are my friends playing a trick on me?? But after 2 weeks with the cat and litter tray, I think they are onto something! It was a breeze to clean up the litter, (a sentence I never thought I would say) but this cat litter is so absorbent, so easy to clean and great for a non-cat owner like me. No odour is the greatest thing about this product (which made hiding the traces of ever having a cat in the house easy from my landlord) and the coolest thing I found out from my friends is you can flush the litter down the toilet or put it in your compost bin! Great for me because I have an awesome garden."

Michael – Armadale, WA

"Never heard of this cat litter before. Really pleased with this litter as it’s great value for money and the cats seem to like it which is the most important thing. Will be buying again regularly."

Emma  Browns Plains, QLD

"Having 6 cats we get through a fair bit of cat litter, many of which claim to be economic to use. We actually found that this really was economical, all the cats but one like it. Would highly recommend."

Jane – Armadale, WA

“I have 14 indoor cats at the moment, (I'm a foster carer for a Western Australian cat rescue) and have started using Felisorb Cat Litter in the last few weeks. I'm totally impressed at the absorbency, no smell and biodegradability of it once it's been used. I've tried all the kitty litters over the years and this by far is the best kitty litter there is, I reckon.”

Libby  Nedlands, WA

“My 15yr old Burmese used it for the first time last night & it is the first time in ages she hasn't had an accident & missed the tray. I believe she mustn't have liked the feel of the clumping litter she had recently been changed to. I also was wrapped there was no odour when you opened the laundry door in the morning, that is a first in I don't know how long. I was a Vet Nurse for 15yrs & this has to be the best litter I have ever come across. Thanks for bringing it on to the Australian market a great find!”

Jan – Hunter Valley, NSW

“I have just tried Felisorb kitty litter and I am very happy with the results. I breed Australian Mist cats and I have 25 cats, so it is very important to be happy with the kitty litter that one is using. I really, really like the hemp litter.”

Jessica – Osborne Park, WA

"This is value for money, cat litter that can be composted or put in your green recycle bin. Actually works as it holds the scent and doesn’t clump up so the cats can use it easily and happily."

Ben – Fremantle, WA

"I usually use clumping so I did wonder what it would be like, but it’s not dusty and it holds the scent. Am so glad I’ve tried it and easy to clean out, plus it’s made from natural products. Great value too."

Stacey  Success, WA

"I have tried many cat litters, but none come close to this product. Not only good value for money but holds the scent too and my cats can use it happily. I’ve found other wood-based litters break down into dust but not this one."

Sam  Attadale, WA

“We have three indoor cats and have been using Felisorb for the past few months. Works really well and the cats like it. Do you sell larger quantities / bulk through any of your outlets? We have two litter trays on the go so the costs add up and just seeing if we can buy bulk and save in the long term. Thank you and thanks for making a really good product.”


“Being a horse owner for around 25 years, I have tried many different types of bedding and deep litter systems. I started the bed with 10 bales of Hemparade to deep litter him. I only muck out the droppings during the weekdays, during which the bed remained dry and clean with no shifting. On the weekends, I lifted the bed to remove the wet bedding and was really surprised just how easily this was done – the dry bedding had not mixed with the wet bedding at all and I could remove the wet bedding without wasting any of the dry bedding. There was hardly any waste at all. I cannot believe how much time and money I have saved. I am now in the process of changing all my horses onto Hemparade.”


“One of my horses has problems with his respiratory system and can develop a cough especially in the summer when dust is prevalent. To avert this and to make sure he can be comfortable, I decided to change from his straw bed to Hemparade as it is suitable for horses needing a dust free environment. It really is dust-free and it’s so absorbent. Hemparade is easy to manage and doesn't smell like most bedding.”


“Just tried out one stall. It’s got a nice smell. It gets a wee crust on top, which stops it blowing about as the door is gated. Easy to muck up poo, easier than shavings as Hemparade bedding falls through the tine fork leaving only the poo, hardly any waste at all and doesn’t stick as much. The wet doesn't spread and the poo stays on top. Very economical dust free bedding.”


“I always want the best for my horses and there is nothing better than Hemparade. I have used various bedding over 38 years and switching to Hemparade was one of my better decisions. Would highly recommend to all horse owners. It's so absorbent you can just remove the wet patch without wasting any of the dry bedding. In fact, one day I saw my mare did a big wee before I lead her into the paddock. On my return to try and remove the wet patch it was not there anymore. How’s that for absorbent.”


“Merlin has now been on Hemparade for a month, and I cannot believe how much time I have saved! So easy to muck out, has stayed dry and with hardly any waste. I was taking the bedding up every day before I started using Hemparade. Only used one bale for the month to top up. Hemparade has cost me less than pine shaving. It was totally worth changing to.”


“We have been through many different shavings and rejected many too such as wood and straw shavings or pellets (terrible dust, respiratory irritation and general mess everywhere), despite the producers claiming it to be "dust free". We have worked with the Hemparade for over 9 months and what a different it has made! The stable is now much drier, clean and settled with no shifting. Very impressed with how dust free it is. Easy to muck up and the volume of waste in comparison to shavings is minimal and we have to top up much less often. For a horse who has tidy habits, it takes only a few minutes to clean the stall. For "dirty" horses, it takes a little more time but still better than anything we have used before. It is a great product, if you want a dust-free and clean stable. It’s very economical, considering the time saved in mucking and cost of adding more bedding.”


“My horse is stabled most of the day and she deserves to be warm and dry. I have used various bedding over 20 years, but nothing has worked. I started using Hemparade and what a difference it has made. The stable is now much drier and I top up less often. Having found Hemparade, I will never look at anything else for bedding.”


“Hemparade keeps our horse “Cash” cosy and warm in winter and cool in summer. I wanted an easy and clean way to muck out as I work fulltime. Hemparade is so easy to clean out before going to work each morning and the time saving benefits are amazing and has actually worked out to be very cost effective.”

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